
A lifelong student of all things esoteric and occult. Early Ritual is a site where I can talk about and review some of the various items and ideas I come across, with a main focus on the tarot and occult books. I am sure I will squeeze in a few other related curiosities from my other interests as well.

Why this site, and why now?

In the 90s and early 2000s I created and ran a site focused on demystifying the magickal process, unaffiliated with any one system, but with a heavy interest in chaos magick, Discordianism and more. I may periodically repost and refresh items from that now defunct site. Once life got in the way, and after spending a good chunk of time in armchair magickian mode, I started to want to become an active participant in magick and the amazingly diverse and grown community that exists now.

I am not entirely sure where this site will end up, but I am curious to see where it goes.